Monday, 31 March 2014

Why does a boy still want to hang out with his friends when he hasa girlfriend?

Why does a boy still want to hang out with his friends when he hasa girlfriend?
Guys have their guy friends and there are somethings he will want to do just with his guy friends. Watch sports, drink, hang out, relax. Around his girlfriend he'll pay more attention to her and cant do things around her. I'm pretty sure most girlfriends dont want to sit around and yell at the game or just sit around playing videogames telling dirty jokes and talking about what they did last week. Guys have war stories and stuff they do, "guy stuff" if you will. If you are ok or want to be a part of his "guy stuff" express an intrest in it but remember a man's friends are sacred and there is an unwritten code of men that keep them together. It's not that he doesnt want to spend time with you. If you're his girlfriend, you are for a reason, but grated, boys will be boys and need to hang out with the guys sometimes.

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