An in-law-Aunt has filed a lengthy quitqlaim deed for several pieces of real estate. In her quitclaim she used info incorrectly quoted from my Grandfather's Will. Of course, a buyer who really wanted a clear title to their purchase would find this out. But a buyer who really didn't care would go thru with what she presented. Some of this real estate is part of gas, oil & coal royalties being paid out. Is their any less expensive way to counter her Quitclaim as she presented it? I hope not to sink 40,000. to 50,000.00 into this mess. There are at least 12 other cousins who are getting less than they deserve. Only 2 live in the state of VA. I know about a Quitclaim Action but that's pretty expensive. Pretty sad when the VA legal system gets so expensive the ordinary person can't afford to get justice. thanks, Sue
No, this situation as described would appear to require the professional services of a Virginia attorney appropriately experienced in real property and probate law. And, furthermore, any attempts to handle such a matter (pro se) on your own and without counsel is certainly to be a losing prescription (in my opinion), and if you cannot afford to retain such counsel from your own funds, then get these other 12 cousins who supposedly have a legal interest in this matter to "chip in" their respective shares so that competent counsel can be retained to represent you (and the others as may be appropriate) in what certainly appears to be on its face a legally complicated case.
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