I live in a small, middle class subdivision, located just outside the city limits, Our community consists of approximately 45 homes, situated on only two streets. Our homes have generously sizes lots and is a relatively peacful community. Our house is situated in a spacious cul-de-sac surrounded by the first three houses built here
Unfortunatley we have an unrelentless, nitpicky neighbor living across from our home , that has no couth or comman sense.
Without reason or warning, I received a copy of an email she'd forwarded to our entire neighborood, accusing us of being problem neighbors. She began her email with the fact that our legally parked boat (covenant approved), rubs her the wrong way. She then outright admits secretly videotaping a "verbally abusive" conversation between her husband, myself and another neighbor concerning keeping their vehicles on the street as a blocking device in order to prevent our vehicles from using "her side of the street"(we park there when we mow the lawn). According to her, the law states it's not ok to park our cars in front of others homes without permission, even though my vehicle(s) were not obstructing her mailbox or driveway.
Finally, she concludes her email by falsely accusing my 11 year old son of physically assulting her 10 yr old son with an pellet gun, leaving him with a bruised cheek, which is a complete lie.
She states her children do not venture outside due to the unsafe, harrassing and unruly environment we're in part, responsible for.
We continually stive towards esthectially improving our newly built home, I am a courteous neighbor, pay my taxes, HOA dues and keep my pets, yard and children in order. I'm not sure what my options are but I'm tired of being harrassed by this family!
Almost all of what you describe is not a legal matter, just common disagreements among neighbors. The only potential legal claim I see would be a defamation action, but it would not be significant enough to actually file a lawsuit.
If you would like to discuss any issues further, please feel free to contact my office. The link to my contact information is below. Thank you.
The foregoing is general information only, not specific legal advice. No attorney/client relation has been created or should be implied.
There are two types of cases that often make horrible legal disputes - family and neighbors. Emotions run higher than other types of cases, and that translates into higher legal fees, They are "principle" cases, and often the client wants the lawyer to take on that principle. With the one exception noted for defamation, your neighbor has as much right to complain about you as you do in posting the note about them. Absent a true legal issue worth pursuing, deal with it, talk to them to resolve it, or move.
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