Sunday, 19 January 2014

Someone that lived here and died here in the USA left me a house in Honduras in their will. I am in possession of the will. Can I hire a law...


Someone that lived here and died here in the USA left me a house in Honduras in their will. I am in possession of the will. Can I hire a lawyer here in the US to help me transfer the title of the house in my name? And what type of lawyer can do that -- an international lawyer? Or do I need to travel to Honduras and hire a lawyer down there?


I would first look up Honduran law on the internet and if not there or too confusing, then I would seek an attorney who has don work in Honduras or who is from Honduras. Looking in the phone book might give you a lead or calling the local bar association might help. You could also locate the closest Honduran counsolate and speak with them. I have done it with the Spanish and they were very cooperative. If you have any idea what value the house is, then that will decide how soon you should go there and eyeball it yourself. You may want to do that first so you don't spend a bunch of money on lawyers. It may be as simple as having your Judgment of Possession recognized as a valid Judgment in Honduras and recorded whereever they record property ownership and that could be enough. You should investigate how safe it would be for you to go there by searching the internet and then act accordingly.

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