My husband and i decided on a reverse mortgage..His name was the only name on it i couldnt be on it.. due to my age. We had plans to put my name on it as soon as we could but my husband passed away before we had a chance..I was wondering how much time i have before i get evicted..can i somehow buy myself more time..i have no place to go...thank you
Minnette Fink
Hmmm. Is your situation one of those unfortunate cases where you were removed from title in order for your husband to qualify for a larger reverse mortgage? Or are you still an owner or the owner? Perhaps you weren't "on title" in the first place?
By the way, I'm doubtful that it would have been possible to "put your name on it" even if that was your hope and intention.
In order to see whether there's any easy solution, we'd need to know (1) who were the owners before the reverse mortgage, i.e., how was title held; (2) were you removed from title as part of the process of qualifying for the reverse mortgage; (3) who is "on title" now that your husband has passed away (i.e., did you inherit the house?); and (4) what is the current balance due and current fair market value of the property.
Also, have you been contacted by the lender yet? I assume the lender is aware of the fact that your husband has passed away -- they do check on that periodically.
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