Sunday, 26 April 2015

In my state, golf cars are not legally required to have lights. The state bans driving these carts on public roads in the night. Many people...


In my state, golf cars are not legally required to have lights. The state bans driving these carts on public roads in the night. Many people in the state have golf cars made by company "G". Their carts don't include car lights, but they include small lights that light the interior to help someone using the cart at night. These lights cannot be seen unless you are within a few feet of the cart. One night, Joe has a party at his house and in his barn. As he is crossing the public road in his "G" cart with 5 guests, they are hit by a car. The driver of the car was not charged because he could not see the cart. 3 guests are seriously hurt. Can they sue company "G"? What product liability theory/ies could be used here? What defense?


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