my husband just was arrested violation of probation. His original charged was out of a different county and transferred to our county. The original county is who his violating him. He was put on probation on Feb 13. On April 28 he rcvd a summons from and incident that he was never arrested for and appeared in court of may 17 for a misdemor that happened prior on January 20. He saw his probation officer last Friday and she knows about the new chage but did not violate him. On Saturday he was picked up for vop from the other county in regards to the new charge again he was never arrested for the new charge just summons. If the probation officer didn't violate him how can the other county violate him if the case was transferred to our county. Right now he is on hold with no bond waiting to be transferred to the original county. How can they do this especially since the incident was in January prior to being on probation.
It could be several reasons. It is probably an error but it could be that he was violated for a different reason. Additionally, an arrest, even if it is invalid could be a reason to detain a person for violating probation, even though ultimately the "violation" would be dismissed. He needs to get an attorney for these charges as soon as possible so that this possible error can be addressed.
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