True and false is gasoline an alternative fuel?
Of course gasonine is an alternative fuel. Other sources of fuel are, diesel, propane and methane. Wood is a good source of fuel if you burn it for heat. Oil and coal are some alternatives for wood. There are many sources for heat. The Mormon Pioneers traveling to Utah spent months on the prairie where there was no wood. They burnned "buffalo chips," otherwise know as "cow pies" or maneuer. The human body will digest a variety of fuels considered alternative. The most productive is sugar. Mostly, the digestive process braks down fibers and amino-acids down to a basic sugar called glucose and alike compound in which your body stores or burns. The rest of the material is discarded through the waste system. In the future, I am told of a source of fuel call "Di-lithium crystals." This is an anti matter substance designed to produce a high quantity of energy on a nuclear scale. The definition of anti-matter is a reverse process of our known matter. One atom is made up of one or several protons, neutrons and electrons. The protons having a positive (+) charge, the neutron being neutral and the electron having a negative charge (-). If these roles were reversed, prototon being (-), and electron being (+), while the neutron remains the same, we would have a nuclear reaction. This is heavy physics and is concievable and experiments are being done on this front. Many would call this process cold fusion, which unless you believe some University of Utah professors, has not been done. Hot fusion is done every day in Nuclear facilities. The cooling process is intricate using a compound called "heavy water." Heavy water is simply H3O instead of H20. H30 has an increased ability to remove heat and will dissipate when mixed with regular water. Nuclear plants are often located next to a natural river where it can use the cool water to cool the reactors. Nuclear plants do not produce toxic fumes or anything toxic in the water or atmosphere. The heat taken by the water and released in the river has a tendency to kill fish by raising the temperature. Dead fish cause a rise in bacteria and other abnoxious water life. the nearby water is seemingly polluted. This is not so. No pollutant or toxic chemical can be found. The water is simply too warm to facilitate local wildlife. Dead fish scare people and concern is alarmed. To summarize your question, alternative fuel is broad question. There is no standard of fuel unless specified. In short, all fuel is alternative. All fuel is natural, unless it is imported from another nature source like outer space. Natural pertains to this earth. Everything is natural. Anyone who disagrees, needs to look up the definition. Unatural does not mean a deviance or turnning away from normality as many would suggest. If all of the reactants and substances can be accounted for, then it's natural. Un-natural would be magical or spiritual or extra-terrestrial.
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