Tuesday, 19 August 2014

I got fired from my job but others have not. I need to know if it was fair for me to get fired when other managers were under the same train...


I got fired from my job but others have not. I need to know if it was fair for me to get fired when other managers were under the same training and they didn't get terminated? I got terminated because I signed a customers document with the supervisors signature because he was a notary and I was not. Since I started working for PLS they would force us to sign for the notary and no one ever corrected us. 8 years ago when I started working for the company we didn't have HR and we would get fired or in trouble if we wouldn't sign. Once I got terminated I contacted HR and explain to them my situation and they actually held an investigation and found that others were doing the same and even my district manager was doing the same. Until today they have not gotten back at me and Im wondering if I can do anything to get my job back? They held a meeting after I got terminated and made it clear to everyone that they were not supposed to signed for anyone anymore, but I already had lost my job. Can I do anything?


In Illinois, an employer can terminate you with or without cause and with or without notice. However, the employer cannot terminate you for a reason expressly prohibited by law. Your situation is complex and you deserve a thorough analysis of your issues that cannot be accomplished via this question and answer board. Please go to our website at www.tsamislaw.com and send us a confidential email regarding your situation.,

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