Friday, 24 April 2015

(I would like to preface this by saying it is a theoretical question for my business law project) I was under contract with a man to buy a l...


(I would like to preface this by saying it is a theoretical question for my business law project) I was under contract with a man to buy a large quantity of his wine from him once he had harvested the grapes and made the wine. He came to my bar and found that my cellar wouldn't be able to handle all of the wine I was going to buy, so he drew up some plans for my cellar with a new refrigeration system as well. I contracted with a third party to make the renovations which he has already begun. A storm came in and ruined half of the wine company's harvest and now he won't be able to supply me with the amount of bottles we had promised, so my cellar was sufficient before the renovations. Since I am already in contract with the third party, can I receive any compensation from the wine company for my cellar that I didn't actually need?


Research "force majeure" for your project.

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