My father has been paying on life insurance with American General since about 1980. About 3 or 4 years ago he was let go from his long time job, since he and my mother have been struggling to keep up with bills, not always successfully, including the life insurance. Within the year the payment had gone from 30$ to 328$, we are still not sure why this is. Not surprisily, with what little income they have they have been unable to pay that in full every month. Not 3 months ago he was send a letter informing his Life Insurance had been canceled. I dont have the details in how much is owed. However, can they do this? What has happened to all the money he has put in it for the last 25+ yrs? He says they've told him it because it was a "term life" account. Is this true? What options do we have?
My parents or 55 and 53.
Your question is about insurance law, not appeals and writs. I suggest re-posting it in that category.
Good luck.
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