Friday, 24 April 2015

When to wash car when you have a new paint job?

When to wash car when you have a new paint job?
Yes, just do not use any wax on it before 90 days: The paint on anewly painted vehicle is dry within an hour or so, you don't needto worry about insects or debris; however, the paint does require asignificantly longer time to "cure". When Custom Paint and Bodypaints an automobile, we also polish it for you, so there is noneed to wash or wax. Lamar Watson, Shop Manager, suggests "don'tuse any polish or wax for 90 days". Because the product he usesdoesn't "seal" the paint, it allows the paint to shrink, expand andeven change chemically, shedding solvents and thinners. Rememberthough, that any new finish will remain soft until the curingprocess is complete, so stay away from gravel and stones, which caneasily chip the finish.

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