Tuesday 17 June 2014

My husband wants a divorce and has been trying to force me to leave our house. He had an affair and is starting to see someone again. We hav...


My husband wants a divorce and has been trying to force me to leave our house. He had an affair and is starting to see someone again. We have 2 girls, ages 6 and 4. He wants me to only live in our current community, which is in a very rural community and 50mi. round trip from my emloyment and family.

Can I move out with our daughters closer to my support systems? Do I have to stay within the county? Do I have to go and file for immediate custody if I do this?


To properly protect you and your children' s legal rights, you should file a divorce petition and a motion asking for custody of your children. Due to the urgency of your situation, you should promptly consult with a skilled family law attorney to fully explore your legal options.

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