Tuesday, 27 January 2015

I live in Fago, North Dakota with my roommate and my girlfriend. (but we are both Minnesota residents, we grew up there and maintain alterna...


I live in Fago, North Dakota with my roommate and my girlfriend. (but we are both Minnesota residents, we grew up there and maintain alternant households with our parents in minnesota) Only me and my roommates names are on the lease. Our lease is up 30 April 2011 and he has started moving out, He took some items that belong to me and my girlfriend, (dishes, small appliances, electronics, ect.) None of the items in question have serial numbers or are trackable in any way. No one saw him remove the items from our apartment and there are no cameras in the building. Basically he took the items we know this for sure, but he just denies it saying "you have no proof" and "Possession is 9/10ths of the law"

Can I do anything?

If I file a stolen items report with the local police dept. will anything happen to him?

What if I know the items are in the trunk of his car but I cannot prove that they are mine?

Can I get into trouble if I threaten him? (his job requires him to have "integrity" and I could call his boss and get him in trouble, if Idid this could he sue me?)

Thanks a Ton!

- Steeve Meonis.


You could sue him in small claims court. Or file a police report. Either way its going to be a big hassle. I do not advise making any threats.

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