Tuesday, 27 January 2015

My friend might have been accused of rape 6 months ago by a girl from school. He was completely intoxicated and does not remember most of th...


My friend might have been accused of rape 6 months ago by a girl from school. He was completely intoxicated and does not remember most of the night. I trust him just because of who he is and believe when he says he did not do it. He is not the type of person to do that. Tho a year ago he was accused of raping his ex girlfriend because he was drunk one night. That incident was cleared up. He did not rape her, she was just mad at him and tried to basically get back at him. This is kinda irrelevant but the point is its probably written down and on paper...

My question is if she did go to the police right after this happened, would they wait 6 months to contact my friend? also if he was a minor at the time this happened can they wait until he is an adult to do something about this? And if they waited would he be charged as an adult or as a minor when the incident occured.


Drunks and binge drinkers behave very differently from sober people, and even though his alleged drunken behavior is dissonant with your experience of him, Your Friend could well be guilty -- especially since he was so blotto he doesn't even remember. The legal time limit for prosecuting a rape is much longer than 6 months, but the more time that passes the easier Your Friend can rest. What is this person doing in the present to address his drinking problem? The third, fourth and fifth time he gets drunk and is accused of sexual assault, nobody is going to believe it's a he-said she-said.


I agree with Mr. Stone. To answer your last question, waiting until after your friend turns 18 to file charges would not allow the authorities to charge him as an adult. What matters is the defendant's age at the time of the offense, not the time he is charged or put on trial. Even so, if a crime is particularly egregious, the juvenile court can order that the defendant be tried as an adult.

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