Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Emergency Change in Custody?I need to know if I have enough information and if so how to proceed in gaining both temporary emergency full c...


Emergency Change in Custody?

I need to know if I have enough information and if so how to proceed in gaining both temporary emergency full custody and permanent full custody with visitation rights of my 8 year old child. Ex and I share joint custody and both are remarried. Child is diabetic. Under step-mom's care, child has repeatedly snuck food and sent blood sugars sky-rocketing. In addition, step-mom has become physically agressive with child and has shown to have an uncontrollable temper. Child saya that she sneaks food while her dad is at work because ''it is easy'' because her step-mom devotes her time and attention to her own children. Dad works approx. 8:30am - 8:00pm Monday - Saturday. We each currently have custody one week then rotate on Fridays. Can I get emergency full custody? Also, do I have to surrender custody to the step-mom when the dad is at work? Do I have to have some paperwork to do that so that child can not be left alone with step-mom? Thank you SO much!


Re: Emergency Change in Custody?

Whether you now have enough evidence for a material change in circumstances to warrant the kind of change which you're seeking in the current custody arrangements is unclear. You would likely be well advised to consult with an attorney who has experience with custody and visitation matters in the

courts which currently have jurisdiction over this matter.

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