Saturday, 28 February 2015

If an individual is sued by another individual, and he/she passes away, what happens to the individual who had been sued? Does thejudgement ...


If an individual is sued by another individual, and he/she passes away, what happens to the individual who had been sued? Does thejudgement still stand and Iif so, who would the payee be?


Thank you for your question.

Your question doesn't mention whether the individual who passed away was the plaintiff or the defendant in the case. In either event, though, the case may be prosecuted or defended by the deceased party's estate. If you have any further questions, or if you will need the assistance of a Firm who can handle probate and estate matters as well as civil litigation, please feel free to reach out to our office.


Depends if the judgment debtor has any property, and how that property is held. A judgment against an individual who is now dead is not worth much. Best advice would be seek the services of a competent attorney. Best luck. Regards, JBS

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