Saturday, 28 February 2015

Would adding a pepper spray dispenser to the alarm in my car open me up to a civil suet by a would be car thief?The system would be complete...


Would adding a pepper spray dispenser to the alarm in my car open me up to a civil suet by a would be car thief?

The system would be completely hidden but I have no problem putting a warning sticker on the windows.


I would recommend a warning. There might be an emergency where some to break in your car and gets injured and you could face a lawsuit.


The would-be car thief would be the least of my worries. If you were our client, we would advise you not to install the device. When determining liability for negligence, the law requires an inquiry as to whether the injuries caused were reasonably foreseeable. In this case, it is reasonably foreseeable that the device could cause a would-be car thief or other driver to lose vision while driving and then strike, possibly even kill, an innocent third party. The innocent third party injured or killed because the device caused a driver, thief or otherwise, to lose vision would be my chief concern when considering whether to install the device.

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