Friday, 27 February 2015

My boyfriend was arrested in March for 2 counts of simple assault and 1 count of criminal trespass in March. He ripped my shirt and pants bu...


My boyfriend was arrested in March for 2 counts of simple assault and 1 count of criminal trespass in March. He ripped my shirt and pants but had permission to be at my house at the time. My question is this is his 2nd simple battery charge in under 2 years. I don't want a no contact order as we are expecting a baby in October. How can I go about helping him and what kinda of sentence could we be looking at. I want him here for the birth of our baby . It was one bad night and we want to be together.


Rethink things (and get counseling to determine why you would expose not only yourself to a violent abuser who has two battery arrests in two years, but would risk your soon to be born child's life). Your post, which is public, and similar statements in court could actually hurt his case as the court may wish to protect you from yourself and wonder how he got you to speak for him. Abusers almost always repeat.


Many women have the same attitude as yours. Then they are beat half to death, or TO death because they have let their abuser know it is OK to have a "bad night." You have given him permission. If you don't care about yourself, at least try to have some human decency to protect your child.


see website for info on dropping charges:


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