A person claiming to be a close relative went before judge claiming I was violent and suicidal. The person is a relative but we are not close. An emergency protective order was issued. I was later taken from my residence by police to a hospital and held for two days. The hospital personnel ordered me to remove my clothes in front of a crowd of people. I refused. I was then jumped by police and hospital personnel, my clothes forcibly remove, and shot with a chemical restraint. I was out for 20 hours. When I came to I refused to talk several hours. I was threatened with permanent detention if I did not cooperate. The eventually I did speak. The accuser had told many lies. After explaining I was released but the hospital evaluator has labeled me has having "aggressive behaviour". I made not one aggressive act. I did strike anyone, or say one word. I simply refused to strip in a room full of complete strangers. Oh yeah, the cops told me I was not under arrest.
Again, I have labeled aggressive without one act aggression. Do I have a civil suit against anyone involved? And if so, what would be grounds?
Whether you have a claim for violation of your civil rights, or a claim for abuse of process, depends on a complete review of all the documents relating to the protective order, your admission, and the various reports. You should gather all of these records and arrange an interview with an attorney. This is certainly not an issue that can be analyzed over this free website.
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