Thursday 27 November 2014

Is it considered stealing if someone takes gifts from you because they feel you don't deserve them, especially if the person taking them did...


Is it considered stealing if someone takes gifts from you because they feel you don't deserve them, especially if the person taking them did not give you the gifts?


Yes, if a person lawfully acquired property via a completed gift, then he or she becomes its legal owner. Once title is fully and irrevocably transferred, it is a crime to take that property away, without permission and with intent to deprive permanently (which is one of the legal definitions of theft in WI). Obviously I cannot help you further without knowing more facts of the case, but feel free to request further clarifications after providing me with this information.

Answering you here does not make me your attorney, so please contact me for clarifications or additional questions by calling my office at 262-633-3090 if you want anything further, or email me at [email protected]/* */ You can also see me on the web at See 15 years of past answers at http://www./answers/search/attorney/jknixon or at Answers and links may contain attorney advertising..

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