I was hit in a parking lot in NY 2 months ago and am going to small claims trial next month. I had begun to back out strait saw someone else was backing out and turning, I stopped , Held down the horn, she continued to back out and hit me. After word she got out and said "im sorry this was my fault" ( which she now claims she did not say). We bioth left the scene and I filled a police report at the local police station. Her insurance company tried to give me $200 for my $1800 estimate, now that im bringing her to court what is the best approch to win?
Your best approach would be to come well-prepared to make your case to the judge, using a large diagram to prove liability and demonstrate how the cars collided and bringing estimates or receipts to prove your damages or losses.
The other driver's admission of fault is obviously your best evidence in the absence of other witnesses.
Good luck!
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