Monday, 2 February 2015

This is a question. I know the statue of limitations has run out for my dad. His leg wad amputated due to a knee replacement. This is really...


This is a question. I know the statue of limitations has run out for my dad. His leg wad amputated due to a knee replacement. This is really a sad case for him. He was incompent and un able to speak or do anything for him self. He was in ICU for a period of time, told he would die. Then sent to rehab, then sent to several nursing homes. Bounced around due to the system. He was just unable to help himself. Now, he is hearing he may have had a recalled knee. It seems like there's no help. It's not his fault he couldn't think and do for him self. Is there any hope for him. He is trying to get the name of the knee and medical records. At $2.00 a page, on a $700.00 a month social secruity and disability check. He can't afford that plus pay his rent and utilities. I know, why help him now. At the time of this event (Suzanne wheeler Starks, daughter). I had a stroke. I live in, Hawaii. I was contacted June 2012, when he was getting dumped on his own from the nursing home. If there is any advice or help for him. Please contact my dad Samuel Turner Wheeler, 206 1st Ave, Apt 6A, Asbury Park, NJ 07712. Telephone 732-775-4768.

Thank You

Suzanne Starks

Samuel Turner Wheeler : surgery , I think 2008 or 2009, I don't know doctors. My father can give you that information.

Thank You for taking the time to read this letter. Suzanne Wheeler Starks, his daughter wrote this letter. My dad does not have a computer to due the research. [email protected]/* */ is my email address as well. My dad does not have an email.

I just hope there is something he/we can do. I have taken on his medical/financial/well being all the way from, Hawaii due to his disability. I even go grocery shopping online for him. He is unable to get to a grocery store now due to his disability. My father was a builder, with his own company, now nothing, barely making it.


It is hard to tell you whether he has a viable medical malpractice case. Ordinarilly, you would not expec a knee replacement procedure to result in a loss of a limb. Do you have any idea why they had to amputate his leg?

The statute of limitations in New Jersey can be tolled if a patient is incompetent, so you may have a way around that problem.

If you would like to discuss all of this further, please give me a call.

Please note that by attempting to answer your question, I am not acting as your attorney. I will do nothing further to protect or preserve your interests in the absence of any additional discussion with you about this matter. John Ratkowitz, Esq. Starr, Gern, Davison & Rubin, P.C. 105 Eisenhower Parkway Roseland, NJ 07068 Office: (973) 830-8441 Cell: (732) 616-6278 Fax: (973) 226-0031 Email: [email protected]/* */ Skype: john_ratkowitz Web:

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