Tuesday 23 September 2014

I'm a New Zealand Citizen but became a US citizen in 2006. I left my husband in 2006 while pregnant and had my daughter in New Zealand. We h...


I'm a New Zealand Citizen but became a US citizen in 2006. I left my husband in 2006 while pregnant and had my daughter in New Zealand. We have been here for 5 years, my daughter is also a NZ citizen and US citizen. We are not devoiced or legally seperated but have been apart (in differnt countries) for 5 years. We have no custody agreement. If we go over to visit can my estranged husband stop my daughter from leaving the US to come back to NZ where we live?


Yes. If New Zealand law allows it, consider filing for divorce in your home country. Illinois will be forced (Under Hague Convention Rules) to adhere to the New Zealand judgment - irregardless of what your ex wants.

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