Sunday, 25 January 2015

I am selling my Missouri home and paying the Tax liens off on it, but i also have two judgements against me, now do i also have to pay the j...


I am selling my Missouri home and paying the Tax liens off on it, but i also have two judgements against me, now do i also have to pay the judgements as well? If we do not pay the judgements, once we sell the home, and the liens are paid; will they then go from judgements to liens? I'm not getting enough money for my home to pay all of what i owe.


If you have judgmetn against you, and the home is in your name, it is unlikely that the buyer will get title insurance for the proeprty, until the judgments are satisfied or their lihes released. Sometiems judgment creditors will release their lien for a payment of part of the judmgent debt.

Good luck

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