Two years ago I gave my son my vehicle and I purchased a new car. Since then he put the cR on craighs list. He found this guy to buy it, all the transactions were done thru the phone, they never met in person. This guy's mother met with my son and after looking at our vehicle they agreed to make an even trade. Now I am being taken to court because this guy said that he fixed the vehicle and was getting ready to sell it and the potential buyer did a carfax and found out it had 103,000 miles instead of 63,000 that was stated on the title. The title was still under my deceased husbands name, so I met this boys mother at the DMV and signed the title over. I have absolutely no knowledge of this vechicle's mileage ever being changed. The man that bought the be hoe took the car to a place where they checked it and said that the mileage had been tampered with. My son a while back had the front dash changed because the gages stop working, everything is electronic. What can I do, they are coming after me and my son for 55,000. The even trade was only worth 15,000. Please help me.
You posted your question under the "criminal law" heading. Does that mean you are being charged with a crime? If so, the government will have to establish intent and knowledge on your part. You need a criminal defense attorney if you don't already have one. The circumstances you describe can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Don't talk to anyone about your case, circumstances etc., without the involvement of an attorney. If in fact you are charged with a crime, you can call me or email me directly to discuss further.
Orent Law Offices, PLC
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