Friday 27 March 2015

Forcing a divorce to go thruMy wife and I have been seperated for 2 years and I have tried to settle with her over that time period. We own...


Forcing a divorce to go thru

My wife and I have been seperated for 2 years and I have tried to settle with her over that time period. We own 3 properties and a business and I have tried to get her to decide how to split up all assets. I have been paying alimony, car payments, ect. as per the judges order when first seperated and I feel she is postponing just to continue these benefits. We have had court dates every 2 months over the 2 years, which her attorney continues to postpone. How do I get the postponements to STOP! and get this whole thing behind me?


Re: Forcing a divorce to go thru

You, or your attorney, need to object to the continuance. If you don't have an attorney, you should get one, this is a long time to get this matter to trial. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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