Saturday, 28 March 2015

Under what circumstances can a police search my car?


Under what circumstances can a police search my car?


Unfortunately you have provided absolutely no facts in your question. The circumstances under which the Police can search your car are very vast. The 4th Amendment is something like 54 words long and the last treatise I saw on it was 6 volumes long.

Generally, it is easier for law enforcement to search a vehicle than a home or a structure that does not move as easy as a car moves. Basically law enforcement can pull someone over when they have reasonable suspicion that a violation has occurred. At that point they can look in the car through the windows for any items that are in plain view. This is how they start their investigation and start developing probable cause to go to the next step. However, there is no way to give you a complete answers as to all the circumstances under which they can search your car.

If you have specific questions and would like to be more direct please contact us through our office at . We will do our best to answer your questions.

Good luck


Mr. McCinity is absolutely correct. Without any facts it is impossible to discuss. But if you want to call me at 415-336-7534 I'll be glad to discuss it with you. I'm in trial right now so it is best to call me during the evening.

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