Tuesday, 31 March 2015

I inadvertently shot off a few bottle rockets after the NYG. Super Bowl victory. One of the rockets touched off a small brush fire in the wo...


I inadvertently shot off a few bottle rockets after the NYG. Super Bowl victory. One of the rockets touched off a small brush fire in the woods behind my neighbors house. It damaged 4 sections of his stockade fence. The fire department damaged 2 more section. I was honest about the whole thing and offered to pay for any damages. He is replacing the entire fence 25 sections and would like me to pay for the whole thing. I offered to pay half. The fence was over 20 years old. Exactly what am I liable for?


You're liable for the foreseeable consequences of your negligent conduct. In this case, that would be the replacement value of the damaged fence.

Good luck!

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