Thursday, 26 March 2015

Is it true that in the state of Washington, if a person is arrested on a assault 2 charge, then put in jail for 62 days, went before the jud...


Is it true that in the state of Washington, if a person is arrested on a assault 2 charge, then put in jail for 62 days, went before the judge and they did not have a victum to testify against the person in jail, the judge dismissed the case but said that it was dismissed "with predious, does this actually mean for the next 7 years this person that was sent to jail has to be looking over there shoulder for 7 years because the person that put them behind bars lied -but they can come back and lie again and away goes this innocent person. How can our justice and our laws allow a liar to have control over another person life for 7 years???????????? What recourse does the innocent person have??????? He has lost his job on account of being put into jail, he now lives with the constant fear that if he does not talk to this person when she calls and is completely intoxicated and be nice to her then she will come back with her lies and have him thrown back into jail. How do you live under those circumstances - not right. What can be done about this problem???????????????


A charge that has been dismissed "with prejudice" cannot be filed again.


I agree. If it was dismissed with prejudice, it can not be refiled.

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