Tuesday 24 March 2015

Hi I have a question please. My mom recently passed. She had some credit card bill to her name only. Her husband deceased as well. My mother...


Hi I have a question please. My mom recently passed. She had some credit card bill to her name only. Her husband deceased as well. My mother had a house but she transferred her property to my brothers and myself 6 years ago, so her name was no longer on it. She had a life insurance naming my brother as beneficiary. My mom had no other property. She also possibly owed in her medical bills. My question is would they go after the children? Would they take my brother's insurance money? Would they take the house? What should we do. We do not want to pay this bill.



The only way any creditor could after anyone would be to claim the house transfer wss a fraudulent transfer, which is highly unlikely. They can not after the life insurance beneficiary. If the debt didn't exist at the time of the transfer, the creditor may have no claim.

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