Saturday 25 October 2014

I have been dealing with a lawyer for a motor vehicle accident and am not sure that I am getting good representation. I am having issues wit...


I have been dealing with a lawyer for a motor vehicle accident and am not sure that I am getting good representation. I am having issues with some of their decisions and don't feel comfortable with some of the things that they want me to agree to. I did sign papers that they get 33% if I win my case. How much do they get paid if I decide to change lawyeres?


Read your contract. The usual provision is the lawyers get paid an hourly rate for the work they have already done. Hourly rates vary widely, so your contract will control that figure. Recommend you write them a letter detailing your disagreements, asking for an accounting of their time/billing to date, and requesting that they await payment until your case settles or goes to favorable verdict. Before doing any of this, you may wish to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to see if another lawyer would want you to make some of the same decisions. Often times clients get disgruntled because they have watched too much TV. TV is NEVER accurate. The same is true of someone you may know in another state. The law varies greatly among the states.

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