Thursday 23 October 2014

Which form should I use for Notice of Motion on civil cases in California?I filed a motion to compel to the defendant in a breach of contrac...


Which form should I use for Notice of Motion on civil cases in California?

I filed a motion to compel to the defendant in a breach of contract case last week to Los Angeles superior court and was rejected because I used the wrong form for the notice of motion. I used the Family law form( FL-301). Which form should I used instead? I see MC 501 online and wondering if this is the one I should use? This is a civil- limited case


There is no MC 501. There is no form notice of a discovery motion. You have to type it up yourself on pleading paper.


I agree with Mr. McCormick. You have to prepare the notice on pleading paper. If you visit a law library, you may want to check out The Rutter Group's Civil Procedure Before Trial, which contains samples of the language for your notice for discovery motions.

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