Saturday 25 October 2014

I just found out a year ago that I have a two year old son I have been trying to see my son but his mom will not let me I try to help in eve...


I just found out a year ago that I have a two year old son I have been trying to see my son but his mom will not let me I try to help in every way possible but she refuses and now she is taking me to court for child support which is not a problem but will that mean I will get my rights I deserve and see my son? Plus he does not have my last name and I am not on the birth certificate but had a DNA done can I have his name changed and be put on the birth certificate


You need to hire an attorney to help you. So hire an attorney NOW!

While she is trying to get child support, you need to get his last name changed and set up a Standard Visitation Schedule. Usually there will be no overnight visits until he turns 3. Then the visits will be over the week-end. So hire an attorney to help you.

Look on this website, on and on the State Bar of Texas website for an attorney. Many attorneys offer a free phone or in person consultation so you can decide if you like them before you hire them.

Good luck!

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