Tuesday, 24 March 2015

If you rent something (i.e. computer) from a place like Aarons rental and get behind on payments or dont make the payments either way can th...


If you rent something (i.e. computer) from a place like Aarons rental and get behind on payments or dont make the payments either way can they have you put in jail for not giving them the item back? also any suggestions on how to handle this without returning would be great. IN STATE OF KENTUCKY


Failure to make required disposition of property valued over $500.00 is a felony. If its value is less than $500.00, it is a misdemeanor. They would have file an affidavit/sworn statement to ask that a judge issue a warrant. There is also a civil cause of action that could be filed against you under the contract that you signed. You have not given any facts or any legal reason that would justify keeping Aaron's property so I am unable to speculate about possible claims or defenses that you may have.

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