Hello, a month or two ago I listed fake bose headphones on ebay and craigslist.
I removed both listings before selling any.
I have received two emails from Stacy Papachristos (IpAssure). Maybe you've heard of her. Telling me that I need to forfeit all my profit, stock, etc. or her client will proceed further legal actions.
She called and i told her i had not sold any and have no stock, (both true), she said she has record of me selling 75 sets on ebay. I faxed her a pdf of my paypal sales which shows none sold.
She now says that I must pay $400 in legal fees.
The facts that her website is terrible, there have been misspellings in emails, she literally copies and pastes emails from other people selling bose headphones, and she accused me of selling 75 make me think she is just extorting.
What do you think?
As a Franchise Attorney I can say the following. It really depends how much Ms. Stacy wants to collect an alleged $400 in legal fees. As an attorney, I would certainly not chase $400 - it's just not worth it. Also, notice she's changed the "deal." First she wanted all profits and any remaining inventory. Now it's legal fees. What will it be next? Consult with a good business or franchise attorney in your area for specific advice.
Mr. Franchise - Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.
Franchise Foundations, a Professional Corporation
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