Wednesday 1 October 2014

I settled out of court on a personal injury case in the state of FL almost 60 days ago and I have yet to receive my settlement funds the de...


I settled out of court on a personal injury case in the state of FL almost 60 days ago and I have yet to receive my settlement funds; the defendant was a military official. My question is are there different statutes regarding this case since it the US Attorney office is envoled? My personal injury lawyer keeps telling me he needs to call and get a "update" but after mediation he told me they only had 30 days to provide the settlement funds and yes they were put in writing the day of mediation. Please help me understand what is going on...


Your attorney can seek court intervention.


Sounds like this was a Federal Tort Claims Act case. The government can be very slow in fulfilling its obligations even after a settlement. I am sure your attorney wants to get paid and is doing what he or she can to get the settlement check. If push comes to shove, your attorney may have to file a Motion To Enforce the Settlement. Your attorney is in the best position to know the appropriate course of action.

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