Tuesday 7 October 2014

What can I do if California is withholding my license, and it is preventing me from working in Michigan? I don't have the money to go to CA ...


What can I do if California is withholding my license, and it is preventing me from working in Michigan? I don't have the money to go to CA and sort it out, and I have been unable to use their automated phone system to correctly enter my case number so that I could speak with someone regarding my issue at the court. I cannot afford an attorney, either. This situation has reduced my income to such an unfathomably low amount that those at the federal poverty line are rich in comparison. I am so tired of leeching off family, not being able to work, and just being a delinquent member of society that I am on the verge of taking my own life. I'd love to give CA whatever money they desire, but I can't without a car and a job. I can't even afford to buy new clothes for work. I have no money in the bank, about $10,000 in debt, no car, no living space of my own, no technical skills, and my resume gets more and more embarrassing every year. I have no CC# to pay for a 'paid question', but please help me, and thank you very much for taking the time to read this.


If you still have matters pending then California will never release your license. I would suggest calling the suicide hotline, you really need to consider whether a drivers license is worth taking your life.

If you want to get this resolved, you most likely need an attorney.


What can I do ...?

I wish I had a magic wand to wave, but.....

You have to comply with all the requirements and rules of CA DMV and the court sentence involved, to obtain clearance and re-issuance of your license. Then you'll be able to get a license elsewhere.

You can seek help from the public defender here to make court appearances if any are required, but you have to personally do any programs, classes, pay fines or fees, etc. that remain undone.

Even if you reach and speak to anyone at court, they can not give any advice or assistance other that tell you what your case requires for then to close it and order return of your license.

You can call DMV and get answers from them as well.


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